The story of our company begins in 1969, with the old "Agraria Fides" and "Conazoo".
The business has been progressivly developed since 1984, when Chieti Giovambattista joined the company.
After acquisitions, mergers and the creation of new companies, in 2013 there was the merger of four major companies; Nuova Concimer srl, Unionagri srl, Soilelios Srl and Pab srl into a bigger entity called CHONCIMER srl.
Today CHONCIMER srl is the holding company of a group leader in the production and distribution of fertilizers that are able to supply a huge range of produtcs for plant nutrition, through its brands Concimer, Fertilia, Biorgan Soilelios.
CHONCIMER srl headquarters is in San Severino Marche, in the Rocchetta area, and is built according to the environmental standards with cutting-edge implants and technologies.
Our fertilizer pellets are produced exclusively with manure from farms run according to specific ethology standards, so that they can also be used in organic food companies.
The specific type of pellets produced, represents the best quality guarantee. It is soft to the touch, indicating that the product wasn't subject to heat, except from its own fermentation, and produced without the use of chemical adhesives or inorganic mass.
The product integrates rapidly with the soil and sticks, so that all the fertility elements remain available for crops.
The wide range of special fertilizers consist of foliar fertilizers, fertigators, meso and micronutrients, humic extracts and algae, organic supplements and biostimulants.
They can be adsorbed through both leaves and roots, and they enhance the traditional fertilization.